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A Constituency Session takes place every 5 years with the purpose of having representatives from each local church (delegates) and various Committee members to vote on important and related business items of the Illinois Conference.

The next meeting will take place in 2027.

34th Constituency Session


October 23, 2022


Delegates of the Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists elected Executive Officers and Departmental Directors during the 34th quadrennial constituency session. Elder John Grys, who had served as the Executive Secretary for the past 5 years, was voted as the new Conference President. “My wife and I are humbled and thankful for the vote of confidence to serve His people in the Illinois Conference. It is my prayer that God will grant us the wisdom to lead this conference, side by side with my fellow officers, with a spirit of humility, compassion and Christian love,” says Grys.

After the election of the president, delegates voted Elder Michael Campos to serve as the Executive Secretary. Campos is no stranger to the Illinois Conference as he previously served as Youth, Young Adult, Pathfinders, Adventurers and Camp Ministries’ Director.  "My family and I will miss the Youth Department greatly, but we trust in God’s leading in our lives. We are committed to continue to support the Youth Department from my new area of responsibility and look forward to serving the rest of my Illinois conference family” says Campos.

The third Executive Officer elected was Douglas Reeves. He is the only officer who is returning to his previous administrative role. Reeves has been serving as Conference Treasurer since May 2020. “I thank God for the opportunity to continue serving the Illinois Conference in my current roll. My commitment to the Adventist Church is to continue to serve with integrity and focus our resources and energy to the proclamation of the gospel” says Reeves.

After the election of Executive Officers, delegates proceeded to elect the following departmental directors: Katrina Baun as Superintendent of Education; Pete Braman as Ministerial Director; and Ruben Bullón as Hispanic Ministries Director. The Youth Director position, that was previously held by Elder Michael Campos, will be filled by the newly elected Executive Committee.

After hearing the ministry reports from each department, the delegates reviewed the proposals coming from the Constitution & Bylaws Committee. Among the approved changes, the delegates voted to extend the term between sessions to five years, to make provisions for an online session should circumstances require such a gathering, and to strengthen the Constitution & Bylaws Committee.


Officers and Departmental Directors that were voted into office for the next quinquennial

Top row (l-r): Pete Braman, Ryan Baun, Ruben Bullon, John Grys, Michael Campos, Douglas Reeves

Bottom row (l-r): Susan Braman, Katrina Baun, Leni Bullon, Cristina Grys, Erika Campos, Cheryl Reeves


Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (CST)

619 Plainfield Road, Willowbrook, Illinois 60527, USA  |  (630) 716 3560  |

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