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Chicagoland Churches Convene for 'Parade of Nations' Convocation

Updated: Sep 30

Illinois Conference President John Grys welcomes members to Convocation

After an 11-year hiatus, the Illinois Conference revived its Chicagoland Convocation, an occasion for area churches to gather for a “camp meeting for the city.”


On September 14, 2024, more than 1,000 members attended the event–hosted by the Yellowbox church in Naperville–with another hundred tuning in to the livestream. The two identical services featured concerts by Watchmen Acappella and preaching from Ivan L. Williams, vice president of Strategy and Leadership for the North American Division.


The Chicagoland Convocation’s theme was “Parade of Nations” – a celebration of the diversity among Adventists in Chicagoland as representative of the kingdom of God. After a warm welcome by President John Grys, flags were paraded in and planted on the platform. Prayers were offered in English, Romanian, Spanish, Polish, Tagalog, and Ukrainian, among others, in the confidence that God understood each person clearly, even if we may not. This was a fitting representation of the Chicago area, one of the top ten most diverse cities in the U.S.


Historically, Illinois camp meetings were an eight-day event held at Broadview Academy. When the academy closed in 2006, the one-day gatherings in Chicagoland—where most of the Illinois Conference's members reside—started soon thereafter.

North American Division vice president Ivan L. Williams served as the keynote speaker

During the convocation, Williams drew from the Apostle Paul’s conversion, affirming that God sometimes uses confrontation to create transformation. For his second message, he appealed to Peter to remind the congregation that proximity to Jesus doesn’t guarantee faithfulness. Nor, he added, does position or privilege result in spiritual power. Through both messages, Pastor Williams urged Adventists to remain devoted to Jesus.

The Watchmen Acappella were a highlight for all

The concert by Watchmen Acappella was a particular highlight among Convocation worshipers. The sextet—originating from five African nations—were formed in 2017 on the campus of Andrews University. Their creative arrangement of hymns and other songs sent the congregation soaring at times, leading to several rounds of applause and some hearty “amens.”

The Illinois Conference youth department invited three guest speakers—Ada Gomez (children), Marco Vigil (youth), and Edward Marton (young adults)—to speak in their departmental classes. Children were given "passports" and "airline tickets" and embarked on an adventure with God. The youth and young adult classes explored issues of identity and faith.

Feedback from the Chicagoland Convocation has been overwhelmingly positive. In a post-COVID world, many people appreciate the value of in-person connection, as well as the convenience of livestreaming. It is hoped that the 2024 Chicagoland Convocation is the first of many to come.


To view highlights from the Chicagoland Convocation, visit the Illinois Conference YouTube channel and Flickr page.



Matthew J. Lucio is the assistant to the president for communication at the Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

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