Stewardship Department

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
1 Peter 4: 10
The idea of Christian Stewardship comes from acknowledging God as Creator and Owner of everything. God’s stewards faithfully return what belongs to God and live a God-centered life understanding that everything we have in this life – our material possessions, time, talents, and opportunities, are to be used to bring glory to God and to expand His Kingdom.
It is the mission of the Stewardship Department to foster Christian Stewardship among the members of the Illinois Conference.
Meet The Team
What is Tithe?
Ever wonder how your tithe gets distributed? Watch the video below to learn more.
Giving Online
The Adventist Giving App for mobile devices is available at Google Play and iTunes for Android and Apple users respectively. Most local churches have the Adventist Giving portal on their websites. This portal can be also used from the Illinois Conference website. The Adventist Giving platform gives the possibility of returning tithe and donating to the Illinois Conference local churches for their specific purposes. Watch the video below for detailed instructions on how to use the Adventist Giving platform